Little Piece of You is a bold attempt to bring a deeply personal story to the stage. The show follows Shannon and Britt, a courageous mother and daughter struggling with their mental health. It's admirable to see such raw emotion and vulnerability on display, and the talented cast, particularly Dujonna Gift and Mica Paris, deliver powerful performances.

We have many shows talking about mental health, including the superb “Next to Normal”, which has recently ended its West End run, but in “Little Piece of You” the narrative feels somewhat disjointed. While the story of family, mental health, and the power of music is a poignant one, the musical struggles to maintain a consistent focus. Some scenes feel drawn out, very little happens, and dialogues lack the emotional depth needed to truly resonate.

The musical numbers, composed by the talented 17-year-old Kjersti Long, are undoubtedly a highlight. The songs are catchy and well-crafted, and the cast delivers them with energy and passion. However, at times, the music feels like a separate entity from the narrative, rather than seamlessly integrating with the story.

While the production's ambition is commendable, it ultimately falls short of its full potential. It's a heartfelt effort, but it could benefit from a tighter script and more focused direction.


Photo:  Roger Alarcon